Health Law and Policy Program

Welcome to the Fourteenth Annual Health Law and Policy Summer Institute!

Courses Offered:


1 academic credit

Fridays, June 4, 11 & 18 (5:30 pm - 8:30 pm ET) 
In addition to the live class time, academic credit students will be required to independently complete 4.5 hours of additional asynchronous material.

Lecturer: Ms. Julia Reiland
This course is designed to introduce students to the business and legal issues that arise in health care transactions and the regulatory environment surrounding such transactions. This course will cover health care mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, antitrust issues, and contracting with other providers/suppliers and vendors (especially business associates). The goal of this course is to provide substantial instruction in professional and experiential skills generally regarded as necessary for effective and responsible participation in the legal profession.  It will provide students with practical knowledge and an opportunity to participate in contract drafting, issue spotting, and negotiation exercises.


1 academic credit
**CLE credit may also be available. More information can be found here.

Saturdays, June 5 & 12 (11:00 am - 4:00 pm ET)
In addition to the live class time, academic credit students will be required to independently complete 3 hours of additional asynchronous material.

Lecturer: Ms. Stephanie Willis
This course will explore the latest legal developments pertaining to the use of digital technologies in the delivery of healthcare, focusing on the following key areas of innovation: artificial intelligence and telehealth. Because these technologies are developing at a faster pace than the laws and regulations meant to address them, this area of law is dynamic and constantly evolving. Lectures and class discussions will consider the various legal and regulatory challenges to implementation and adoption of these advancements, with emphasis on reimbursement, licensing, credentialing, liability, and privacy.  The course will also discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the advancement and proliferation of these innovations in the health care system. The teaching strategies for this course will include readings, lecture, group discussions and mock hypothetical exercises.


1 academic credit
**CLE credit may also be available. More information can be found here.

Sundays, June 6 & 13 (11:00 am - 4:00 pm ET)
In addition to the live class time, academic credit students will be required to independently complete 3 hours of additional asynchronous material.

Lecturer: Ms. Sonali Gunawardhana
This course will delve into the laws and regulations related to vaccines and vaccination and discuss policy implications. Topics covered include (i) FDA oversight, enforcement, and regulation of the research and development process; (ii) public mandates, including mandatory child vaccinations, opposition, and the legal consequences of failure to vaccinate, as well as medical, religious, and philosophical exemptions; (iii) state law considerations related to exemptions, administration of vaccines, and isolation and quarantine matters; (iv) compensation for vaccine injuries under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP); (v) injury claims outside the NVICP such as products liability, failure to warn, medical malpractice, punitive damages; (vi) reporting via the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System; and (vii) access to, and promotion of, vaccines, and funding and cost issues.